Active learning was an essential part of a Conservation course taught to 9th semester of Agronomy students at Universidade Federal Rural de Peranmbuco. Twenty-five countries were used as a teaching tool to discuss sustainable agriculture. The countries were chosen by the students. Basically, they used the internet to do the search, as well as obtaining information in the existing country consulates or representatives of the country living in the city of Recife, PE, Brazil. The majority of the countries were in Latin America. Argentina and US were presented 6 semesters, Australia, China, Chile and Spain, were presented 5 consecutive semesters, Uruguay and France 3 semesters, Guinea Bissau, Costa Rica and Japan 2 semesters, and Italy, Bolivia, Algeria, El Salvador, New Zealand, Thailand, Nicaragua, and India were presented only once. African students studying at UFRPE presented reports from the African countries.