100/dp = 100/di + C ((di - dp)/(di do))
Where: dp is particle density, di and do are the mineral and organic particles densities respectively (g cm-3), and C is the percentage of organic matter.
The linear form of the previous equation is: Y = a + bX
Y = 100/dp; a = 100/di; and b = (di - do)/(di do)
Consequently, the mineral density is: di = 100/a
The organic matter density is: do = 100/(100 b + a)
Similarly, the General Equation can be expanded to know the density of the fractions clay (cl), silt (si), and sand (sa):
1/dp = cl/dcl + si/dsi + sa/dsa + C/do
The previous equation can be expressed, using multiple regression, as shown:
Y = a X1 + b X2 + c X3 + d X4
Where: Y = 100/dp, and X1, X2, X3, and X4 are clay, silt, sand, and organic matter contents (g 100g-1 of dry soil).
The density of each fraction is defined as:
dcl = 1/a; dsi = 1/b; dsa = 1/c; do = 1/d
The objectives of this work are: i) to evaluate if the proposed general equation is valid for Mollisols of the Santa Fe State (Argentina), and ii) to deduce the mineral and organic matter densities. Disturbed soil samples (n=50) were used to determine dp (by Pycnometer method) and organic matter content (OM) (Walkley and Black) of A, B, C, and transitional horizons of Mollisols located between 28 and 34º S Latitude, and 59 and 62º W Longitude. The results were adjusted to a lineal regression model. The coefficient of determination was calculated. Figure 1 shows the dp behavior with the increase in the organic matter content of the studied Mollisols. It was deduced that the minerals density is 2.656 g cm-3, and the organic matter density is 1.076 g cm-3. However, it has to be noted that the fit of the data is not very high, especially when organic matter values are between 1 and 2%. This fact can be attributed at least to two reasons: 1) the technique used to determine organic matter content doesn't have the same recovery capacity for all horizons, being smaller in the B horizons; 2) it is possible that the density of the sand, silt and clay fractions be different in the Mollisols of Santa Fe. Future researches need to elucidate these aspects
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