Wednesday, 9 November 2005 - 1:05 PM

Experimental and numerical studies of the 18O exchange between CO2 and water in the soil--atmosphere exchange flux.

Dan Yakir, Yaakov Kapiluto, and Brian Berkowitz. The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel

The large soil—atmosphere CO2 flux contributes to observed interannual variations in atmospheric CO2 concentrations which are poorly understood. Stable isotopes of CO2 provide a powerful tool to trace biosphere—atmosphere CO2 fluxes and gain insights to underlying processes. The application of 18O in CO2 to carbon cycle studies still involves uncertainties, and controversy, regarding the 18O signal of soil-respiration and its coupled a-biotic atmospheric CO2 invasion effect (the diffusion of ambient CO2 into soil, followed by partial isotopic equilibration with soil water and retrodiffusion). We used experiments and numerical simulations to verify whether the 18O of the invasion CO2 retro-diffusion flux from the soil reflects 18O equilibration with water at the soil surface, or at some depth. This is significant as only surface soil water becomes highly enriched in 18O due to evaporation. Sterile soil (no CO2 production) with known water 18O was used in a flow chamber. Comparing experimental results with predictions based on two commonly used diffusion models (“Penman” and “Moldrup”) indicated that only the Penman model provided good agreement with observations. The depth of full CO2–water 18O equilibration was 2-8.5 cm (mean 6 cm), depending on: (1) soil moisture content and its isotopic composition; (2) temperature, dominating rates of isotopic exchange; (3) CO2 residence time (replacement of the column air above the soil); (4) soil structure (porosity, tortuosity, grain size; the later influencing water surface area exposed to CO2 exchange). Using field data from a semi-arid forest site, numerical simulations indicated that the 18O full equilibrium depth varied between 4 and 8 cm (Jan to Nov), being sensitive to temperature and soil moisture. Deepening of the equilibration depth as the soil dries further limits the effects of 18O evaporative enrichment at the surface on the isotopic composition of the soil–atmosphere CO2 flux.

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