/AnMtgsAbsts2009.54845 Creating Positive Soil and Ecosystem Carbon Budgets.

Monday, November 2, 2009: 3:30 PM
Convention Center, Room 325, Third Floor

Rattan Lal, Carbon Management and Sequestration Center, Ohio State Univ., Columbus, OH
Soil carbon (C) pool, comprising of 1550 Pg of organic and 950 Pg of inorganic components, impacts global C cycle by either being a source or sink of atmospheric CO2.  Most agricultural soils, with lower soil organic C (SOC) pool than those under natural ecosystems, can sequester atmospheric CO2 as humus through adoption of those land use and soil management practices which create a positive C budget. Soil C sequestration occurs when the input of biomass-C exceeds the output, and depletion when output exceeds the input.  The input of C includes crop residues, root biomass, cover crop, compost, manure, sludge, deposition etc.  The output of C includes losses due to erosion, decomposition/mineralization and leaching.  The rate of mineralization is determined by mean annual temperature and precipitation, soil texture, clay mineralogy, landscape position, etc. Soil and crop management practices which impact C-input and C-output include tillage, residue management, cover cropping, crop rotation, nutrient management including manuring and fertilizers, soil amendments such as biochar etc.  Rather than linking soil C sequestration to soil-specific management (e.g., no-till, nitrogen fertilizer, biochar, crop rotations), it is important to assess soil C budget in relation to predominant processes.  Similar to the soil C budget, the ecosystem C budget is assessed through complete life cycle analysis of all input and output, including the hidden C costs of farm operations (e.g., tillage, fertilizers, pesticides, harvesting, drying, etc). Conducting life cycle analysis and evaluating soil C budgets are essential to determining whether soil is a source or sink of atmospheric CO2.