73-7 The Freshman's Perspective of the Value of Transformational Learning Experiences.

Monday, October 17, 2011
Henry Gonzalez Convention Center, Hall C, Street Level

Lori Unruh Snyder, Arthur Schwab and Mark Diekman, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
A transformational learning opportunity(TLO) could be viewed as an experience that raises social awareness that in turn provides a life-changing experience.  The ultimate goal for any student participating in a transformational learning experience is to have an analogous experience that is identified as “high impact” learning. Qualitative research methods and open ended survey questions were distributed to faculty teaching freshman seminar courses in 2010.  The assessment included a series of questions inquiring about the impact of a TLO experience related to learning, and asking whether or not the students think a certain experience is a TLO.  The data were analyzed for frequencies and means with standard deviations.  This research design allowed for a robust examination of the transformational learning experience of the participants.  The total of freshman respondents for the survey was 416.  The questions asked were based on a Lickert scale 5= strongly agree and 1 strongly disagree; 0=no opinion.The data were collected and analyzed in 2010, and the results were received and content analyzed.  A TLO during my college career will have an impact on my future career plans  (M=3.9; SD=0.9); I think that a TLO will be a life-changing experience(M=3.7; SD=0.9); A TLO will apply my academic knowledge to a real-life setting (M=4.0; SD=0.9); A TLO will challenge many of my assumptions and beliefs (M=3.3; SD=1.0); All students should participate in a TLO project before graduation (M=3.3; SD=1.1); Do you consider the following below a TLO? :Directed independent study with a faculty member (M=3.5; SD=1.0); Field experience with a structured program (M=4.1; SD=0.8);  An international study abroad experience (M=4.3; SD=0.8) ; A leadership certificate experience (M=3.7; SD=0.9); An off-campus events (field trips) (M=3.7; SD=0.9); Service learning experience (M=3.9; SD=0.8); Undergraduate research (M=3.9; SD=0.9); Field experience such as internship (M=4.4; SD=0.8); Professional society meeting attendance (M=3.2; SD=1.0); Capstone experience (M=2.9; SD=1.5); Teaching experience practicum (M=3.4; SD=1.0); Minor studies outside of my college major (M=3.5; SD=1.0). A few selected students’ comments based on “what additional examples would you like for us to consider for a TLO” were the following: career fairs, taking classes unrelated to our major but can be applied to jobs, disaster relief volunteer, social service work, and  a teacher led study session. One student commented, “we should experience a TLO and be informed what it is before taking a survey”, and a majority of students commented: what is a capstone experience?”.The overall freshman population rated that they should have a TLO before graduation with a mean of 3.3.  Thus, we need to find ways to raise the importance of this experience so that freshman find more value of actively seeking these opportunities.
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See more from this Session: Experiential Learning and Action Education: II