Owen Duckworth

Owen Duckworth

North Carolina State University
PO Box 7619
N Carolina State University
Soil Science Dept
Raleigh, NC
USA 27695-0001
Email: owen_duckworth@ncsu.edu

3:20 PM, Henry Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 206A 248-7 New Roles for Siderophores In the Biogeochemical Cycling of Contamiant Metals.
2:05 PM, Henry Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 212A 261-5 Dissolution of Phosphorus Into Pore-Water Flowing Through An Organic Soil From a Wetland Restoration Site.
11:30 AM, Henry Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 212B 281-12 Nanoscale Distribution and Chemical Speciation of Potentially Toxic Elements In Coal Fly Ash.
2:15 PM, Henry Gonzalez Convention Center, Hall C 351-2 Kinetics and Mechanism of Dissolution of Metal Hydroxides Promoted by Structurally Diverse Siderophores.