David L. Burton

David L. Burton

Nova Scotia Agricultural College
Environmental Sciences
PO Box 550
Truro, NS
Canada B2N 5E3
Email: dburton@nsac.ca

2:30 PM, Henry Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 006D 81-7 Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Potato Production and Their Management.
3:30 PM, Henry Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 006D 81-10 Productivity and Nitrogen Dynamics Under Extended Organic Potato Rotations In Atlantic Canada.
4:15 PM, Henry Gonzalez Convention Center, Hall C 123-10 Quantification of Gross Nitrogen Transformation Rates within a Conventional Potato Rotation Using Stable Isotopes.
10:15 AM, Henry Gonzalez Convention Center, Room 218 135-7 Denitrification Losses In Manure Amended, Permanent Forage and Corn-Soybean-Wheat Rotations In Atlantic Canada.