Quality of Soil Parameters After Application of Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers.

Poster Number 2606

Monday, November 4, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall, Third Floor

Pavlina Micova Jr.1, Marie Stybnarova1, Hana Karabcova1 and Lubica Pospisilova2, (1)Feed production and agroecology, Agriresearch Rapotin Ltd., Vikyrovice, Czech Republic
(2)Faculty of Agronomy, Mendel University in Brno, Brno, Czech Republic
The effect of organic and inorganic fertilization on selected soil properties was observed during the years 2008–2011. Experimental treatments were carried out in natural conditions of permanent grassland. The experiment included three fertilizers types: organic fertilizers – slurry, compost and inorganic fertilizer – NPK. Physical properties were determined as follows: bulk density (ρd, g/cm3), total porosity (P, %), maximum capillary water capacity (ΘCWC, %), retention water capacity (ΘRVC, %). Soil organic matter properties were determined as follows: colour index (Q4/6), oxidizable carbon content (Cox, %), humic acids content (HA, g/kg), fulvic acids content (FA, g/kg), humic substances content (HS, g/kg). Higher bulk density and lower values of total porosity, maximum capillary water capacity, retention water capacity, were determined on the inorganic fertilized plots. Lower bulk density and higher values of total porosity, maximum capillary water capacity, retention water capacity, were determined on the organic fertilized plots (compost, slurry). From the humus quality, the most relevant values were measured on the plots with slurry followed by compost and inorganic fertilizer. The greatest amount of oxidizable carbon was again on the plots with compost, then slurry and inorganic fertilizer. The experimental observation of the influence of organic fertilizers (slurry, compost) and mineral fertilizer on soil physical properties and soil organic matter parameters shows that organic fertilizers are the most appropriate types for Cambisol under grassland situated in the mountainous region.

 Key words:Cambisol, grassland, slurry, compost, soil organic matter

See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Soils & Environmental Quality
See more from this Session: Management Impacts On Soil Quality: II

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