Mobile Weed Manual: A New Tool for Herbicide Selection in Turf & Ornamentals.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 8:45 AM
Tampa Convention Center, Room 12, First Floor

James T. Brosnan1, Gregory K. Breeden1 and Gregory R. Armel2, (1)Plant Sciences, University of Tennessee - Knoxville, Knoxville, TN
(2)BASF, Research Triangle Park, NC
Mobile Weed Manual (MWM) is a new Extension resource developed to assist green industry professionals in selecting herbicides for use in turf and ornamentals. MWM is a web-based platform optimized for use on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. The site provides users with weed control efficacy information for 88 different herbicides, tolerance information for over 2300 turf and ornamental species, as well as direct links to label and material safety data sheet information for herbicides used for turf and ornamental weed management. MWM provides users with several search options for selecting herbicides to manage weeds either pre- or postemergence. Individuals can indicate the desirable turf or ornamental species in which weeds are present and MWM will provide a list of herbicides labeled for use in that desirable species. Moreover, users can further refine searches by indicating both a desirable species and target weed; MWM will provide a list of herbicides labeled for control of the target weed in the desirable species indicated.  Since debuting online in May 2013, MWM has allowed Extension specialists to reach over 10,000 individuals from 72 different countries, all 50 United States, and 142 different municipalities throughout Tennessee.
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