Agriculture Technology Transfer: A Student Model.

Poster Number 106

Sunday, November 3, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, Registration Center, Second Floor

Corey Lacey1, Emily J Newell2, Michael J Ruffatti2 and Shalamar D. Armstrong1, (1)Illinois State University, Normal, IL
(2)ISU, Normal, IL
The primary goal of the Illinois State University Agricultural Science Club (ASC) is to engage and educate the local community about agriculture technology through organized student driven outreach programs. Thus, the club has designed and participated in numerous activities to promote agriculture awareness to various audiences in our local community such as school children, the general public, and local producers.  In the fall of 2012, club members designed a workshop consisting of four learning stations at Mackinaw Junior High’s Family Science Night for 200 students and parents.  Club members taught students about soil horizons, soil genesis, conservation practices, and water infiltration. Finally, club members educated students and parents about the use of corn in house-hold items and groceries.  ASC members also participated in the Family Science Day hosted by the Illinois State University.  ASC’s goal for this event was to promote interest in agriculture sciences.  ASC impacted approximately 2000 children and parents as they interacted with presentations of different types of agriculture technology. Finally, this summer the ASC secured a competitive grant of $21,000 that allowed 10 club members to design and facilitate the annual Illinois Soybean Association (ISA) Yield Challenge.  The ASC was responsible for analyzing trends of yield increases in the control and test plots of 100 Illinois soybean farmers.  The final report from the ISA Challenge will be presented at the annual ISA Summit to educate Illinois farmers of yield enhancing soybean management practices.  The ASC members have been active at schools, public events, and with producers to create a positive transfer of agriculture technology in our local community.  Through our outreach approximately 3,300 individuals have been impacted. Furthermore, the outreach experience has equipped ASC members with the skill promote and improve agriculture technology transfer in the Midwest and across the nation.
See more from this Division: Students of Agronomy, Soils and Environmental Sciences (SASES)
See more from this Session: SASES Club Poster Contest

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