Clonal Evaluation of Hilaria Belangeri for Turf Domestication.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 2:15 PM
Tampa Convention Center, Room 25, First Floor

Mohammad Pessarakli and David M. Kopec, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
One hundred fifty clones of Curly mesquitegrass (Hilaria belangeri) were collected from a 15 year stand located at an elevation of 970 feet above sea level in Arizona.  From replicated vegetative rammets, clones were assessed for seed head density, tolerance/avoidance from sod web worm damage, apparent plant density, color and growth habit as-un mowed plants.  Clonal entries were transplanted into a replicated spaced plant nursery, where all plants will be subjected to 2x weekly mowing at the 4.4 mm mowing height for two years.  Selections based on tolerance to mowing and companion seed yield will be completed for a first generation cycle and subsequent polycross recombination. Plans are to follow with the polycross progeny evaluated  with phenotypic, and/or genotypic recombination for turf and seed yield performance.
See more from this Division: C05 Turfgrass Science
See more from this Session: Turfgrass Breeding and Genetics

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