Strips Traps Management As Alternative For Refuge In Intacta RR2 PRO.

Poster Number 909

Monday, November 4, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall, Third Floor

Rafael Antonio Lopez1, Emilia Malone1, Maria Ana Sosa2, German Roque De Cunto1, Matias Cardascia1 and Lorena Garcia1, (1)Monsanto Argentina SAIC, Pergamino, Argentina
(2)INTA, Reconquista, Argentina
In Argentina, since the income of soybean crop in the country, stink bug control is exclusively with chemical insecticides. In the decade from 1980 to 1990 was developed an efficient tactic to decrease to about 90% insecticide application, called "stripes traps", which allowed management "chemical culturally ¨. This technology, despite its economic and ecological benefits, was not adopted by growers (Massaro et al., 1983). But now, we have the possibility to rescue the concept of "traps stripes" as alternative applicable to management refuge, must accompany the soybean crop containing transgenic events MON89788 X MON87701 (the “INTACTA RR2 PRO® Technology”). The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of different alternatives for managing the refuge, on the number of susceptible individuals it generates. To evaluate proposed, six macroplots was planted with different alternatives of long cycle and application of insecticides to the refuge (Conventional Refuge, Threshold Refuge, Conventional Trap and Threshold Trap). From the results obtained it is concluded that refuge alternatives proposals for soybean containing INTACTA RR2 PRO Technology (Conventional Refuge, Threshold Refuge, Conventional Trap and Threshold Trap) had a like number of larvae during the whole crop cycle, so that the different alternatives of refuge management would not cause differential impact on the objective of the refuge, which is produce suceptibles individuals that can mate with any resistant individual from the lepidopterans insect protection  crop. Besides the refuge management alternatives Trap (Conventional and Threshold Trap) had the highest number of stink bugs, which these act as an attractant that would make a more limited chemical control of stingbugs providing economic and environmental benefits that previously enunciated.

* INTACTA RR2 PRO es una marca registrada de titularidad de Monsanto Technology LLC.

 ©2013 Monsanto Argentina S.A.I.C. Quedan todos los derechos reservados.

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