Phosphorus Responses to Applications of Sugarbeet Lime On Calcareous Soils in the Southwestern Desert Region USA.

Poster Number 2324

Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall, Third Floor

Aron A. Quist, Stanworth Crop Consultants, Blythe, CA and Austin Ulmer, Stanworth Crop Consultants, Inc, Blythe, CA
Farmers in the Southwestern USA, Lower Colorado River irrigated valleys have been broadcasting beet lime on their fields to improved nutrient balance in soils. Stanworth Consultants (SCC) proposes an experiment to determine what affect the application of the lime may have on the available phosphorus levels in the soil and in the plant. Different forms of phosphate fertilizer will be examined with particular attention to new Steric Chemistry P fertilizer. Additionally, changes in salinity, nutrient balance, and infiltration rates will be examined. Data will be analyzed for statistical significance of all constituents. A report will be prepared to document potential effectiveness of different phosphorus fertilizers and potential fixation of phosphorus by the beet lime, if any. Effectiveness of beet lime upon yield, infiltration rates and leaching of excess salts and soil/leachate ratios will be examined.
See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition
See more from this Session: Phosphorus and Potassium Soil Fertility and Management

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