Changes in Soil Structure Resulting From Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen Levels in a Pasture System.

Poster Number 2420

Monday, November 4, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall, Third Floor

Daniel Gimenez1, George B. Runion2, Joshua S. Caplan1, Brian Clough1, Stephen A. Prior2 and H. Allen Torbert2, (1)Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ
(2)National Soil Dynamics Laboratory, USDA-ARS, Auburn, AL
Research on soil responses to global change has emphasized short-term dynamics, such as nutrient cycling, shifts in microbial communities, and root growth. The effects of global change on soil dynamics that change more slowly, like soil structure and related hydraulic properties, are virtually unknown. The objective of this work was to assess changes in soil pore structure and water retention in response to multi-year manipulations of atmospheric CO2 concentration and nitrogen deposition. We collected soil from an experiment conducted at the USDA-ARS National Soil Dynamics Laboratory in Alabama. In this experiment, Bahia grass was grown on a loamy sand (Blanton series) for 6 years under ambient or elevated CO2 (550 ppm), and at low or moderate levels of fertilization. Aggregates were sampled from surficial (0-10 cm) and deeper (10-20 cm) soils, and analyzed for the fractal dimension of mass (a measure of soil pore structure), as well as their organic carbon and nitrogen content. Water retention was measured from soil cores using the evaporation method. Fertilization strongly reduced fractal dimension under elevated CO2, whereas fertilization did not affect fractal dimension under ambient CO2. This pattern was observed in both surficial and deeper soils, but was more pronounced at the surface. Statistical separation for soil C, N, and water retention was dependent on depth and the treatments considered, but was generally most extreme with elevated CO2 plus fertilizer addition. These results are consistent with elevated CO2 and fertilization stimulating root growth and microbial activity, such that they generated more and larger soil pores than under more limiting conditions. As atmospheric CO2 levels rise into the future, soils that are fertilized, whether intentionally or not, may have increasingly altered structure and hydraulic properties. Defining the bounds of such changes may be critical to managing the effects of global change on soils.
See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Soil Physics
See more from this Session: Science Challenges in Land Surface and Global Climate Modeling: II

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