Growth Response of Wheat & Barely Under the RCP8.5 Projected Climate Condition in Korea.

Poster Number 2511

Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall, Third Floor

jaehwan roh, National Institute of crop science, Iksan, South Korea
Growth response of wheat & barely under the RCP8.5 projected climate condition in Korea

 J.H. Roh1*, S.K. Cho1, H.H. Park1, Y.J. Oh1, T.H Song1, T.I. Park1, H.J. Kang1, O.J. Kim1, K.J. Kim1, K.H.Park1, G.H. Moon2, J.G. Kim3, D.J. Kim4, J.I. Yun4

 1National Institute of crop science, Iksan 570-080, Korea

2Agricultural Research Center for Climate Change,NIHHS,Jeju 690-150, Korea

3Korean wheat & barely industry development institute, Suwon 441-857, Korea

4College of Life Science, KyungHee University, Yongin 446-701, Korea

According to a new climate change scenario(RCP8.5), precipitation is expected to increase by 6% and 4.8°C rise in average temperature in Korea, 2100, which was expected to greatly affect on the growth and yield of crop. In accordance with these conditions of climate change, in order to investigate the impact on the growth of wheat, barley, Korean representative winter crops, using temperature gradient house, the early growth response was investigated.

The wheat variety, Jokyeong, showed faster initial growth rate at higher temperature conditions than other breeds. After sowing, plant height 60cm to reach the period of 110 days in the temperature gradient zone, T-III, which 5°C higher than the outside temperature, the temperature gradient of 3°C higher in the T-II area 124, and the temperature gradient of 1°C higher in the T-I zone, 145 it took days. On the other hand, introduced varieties, Seochon, plant height 60cm to reach the period of 138, 145, and 159 days from the T-III, T-II, and T-I, respectively.

In the barely cultivars, the barely variety, Hopum, showed faster initial growth rate at higher temperature conditions than other breeds. The required period after sowing, plant height 40cm to reach 96 days in the temperature gradient T-III, the temperature gradient T-II took 117 days, and the temperature gradient in the T-I 142 days. But in the variety, Olbori, the period to reach the plant height 40cm takes 138, 148, and 155 days in the temperature gradient T-III, T-II, and T-I, respectively

These results showed that the difference is very large in the early growth response of wheat and barley varieties depending on the climate change in the higher temperature conditions.

And so it requires the evaluation of the impact of differences in early growth response to medium-term growth and final yield, wheat and barley breeding for high temperature adaptability is considered necessary.

* Corresponding author: 82-63-840-2294, E-mail:

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