Characterization and Classification On Anthropogenic Landscapes of Major Cities in the US.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 8:05 AM
Marriott Tampa Waterside, Room 11, Third Level

Stephen Daniel Dadio Jr., Cedarville Eng. Group, Chester Springs, PA, William D. Shuster, NRMRL, US- EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), Cincinnati, OH, Russell L. Losco, Lanchester Soil Consultants Inc, West Grove, PA and Patrick J. Drohan, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
Describing and classifying urban soils according to the rules of Soil Taxonomy can be challenging as anthropogenic actions impact the determination of diagnostic features.  Soils on vacant lots were investigated in Cincinnati, OH, Cleveland, OH, and Detroit, MI on vacant lots and as well as soils in public parks in Cleveland, OH and Omaha, NE.  The management of the urban soils during both demolition and restoration is the primary factor affecting how these antropogenic soils are classified.
See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Urban and Anthropogenic Soils
See more from this Session: General Urban and Anthropogenic Soils

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