A Specific Precision Placement Protocol for Maximum Productivity.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 2:30 PM
Tampa Convention Center, Room 37 and 38, Third Floor

Charles LeRoy Deichman, Deichman Consulting, Shelbyville, MO
Precision Agricultue is required to deliver the specific operating protocol proposed in this paper; which is intended* to maximize sustainable grain yield. One component calls for 3, ten inch rows of winter wheat or other suitable** small grain with alternate 30 inch swaths of winter fallow. Another calls for seeding a suitable***legume or other soil building cover crop that serves as a very robust stubble crop into the 30 inch winter grain swath. Another calls for 6-8 inch twin corn**** rows with a back to back triangular (within the twin row) plant spacing arrangement, planted exactly in the center of the 30 inch fallow swath. This new canopy architecture enables a more expansive and more uniform verticle distribution of incident sunlight to the mature chloroplasts throughout the reproductive stages of winter grain and corn growth and the juvenile chloroplasts of the stubble crop. The next component calls for the harvest of the winter grain and stubble forage crop between the wide corn rows. This machine hasn't been perfected yet but is one of the reasons this is being presented to an audience that has the ability to perfect it. The next crop begins by centering the center row of the winter grain, in between the just harvested 6-8 inch twin corn rows. The previous stubble crop now serves as cover crop and unique seed bed for the next corn crop.

The operational aspects of the Solar Corridor Crop Production System (SCCS) will be the major focus of this paper.

* the data will show that with chosen varieties, based on our preliminary variety screening protocol, at its primitive state of development, we consistently produced as much or more corn on 1, sixty inch twin row as we produced in 2, thirty inch state of the art controls, at 200 bu yield levels. State of the art best management practices haven't yet been developed to generate the maximum yield from this new production paradigm that we call the Solar Corridor Crop Production System (SCCS). Your help in developing this system to its maximum potential is welcomed and highly encouraged. 

** suitable in this context is one that maximizes the yield value of the extra incident sunlight on the flag leaf or other key photosynthetic organs.

*** suitable in this context includes above plus post harvest summer characteristics and multiple soil building factors.

**** The corn varieties must be previously chosen to see if they perform in this system! Most of the most popular high yielding varieties don't!

See more from this Division: Live Streaming CEU Program
See more from this Session: Developments in Precision Agriculture

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