Symposium--the Agronomy of Precision Water Management

Oral Session

ASA Section: Agronomic Production Systems

Sponsored by DuPont Pioneer, Monsanto Company, Valmont Industries, and Lindsay Corporation. Water continues to be the dominant factor affecting crop production. Both water excesses and deficiencies exist in spatial and temporal dimensions. Precision water management taking into account variations in time and space offers tremendous opportunity for improved management efficiencies and increased crop production. This symposium will address the agronomic factors that should be considered for precision water management, explore approaches for doing so, and highlight with case study examples.

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Online Registration: Member price $95; Certified/Non-member Price $115


Precision Agriculture Systems Community
Agronomic Production Systems
Monday, November 4, 2013: 7:55 AM-12:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center, Room 31 and 32
Community Leader:
Newell R Kitchen
Raj Khosla
John F. Shanahan
7:55 AM
Introductory Remarks
8:00 AM
A Historical Perspective of VR Water Management for Improved Crop Production.
E. John Sadler, USDA-ARS; Robert G. Evans, USDA-ARS (retired); Susan O'Shaughnessy, USDA-ARS; Earl D Vories, USDA-ARS Cropping Systems & Water Quality Research Unit; Kenneth Stone, USDA-ARS; Calvin Perry, University of Georgia
8:25 AM
The Agronomic Science of Spatial and Temporal Water Management: How Much, When, and Where.
Steven R. Evett, USDA-ARS Conservation & Production Research Laboratory; Susan A. O'Shaughnessy, USDA-ARS Conservation & Production Research Laboratory; Paul D. Colaizzi, USDA-ARS Conservation & Production Research Laboratory
9:15 AM
9:40 AM
9:55 AM
10:05 AM
Wireless Soil Sensing Technologies Supporting Variable Rate Water Management.
Carolyn Hedley, Landcare Research; Pierre Roudier, Landcare Research; Jagath Ekanayake, Landcare Research
10:30 AM
Role of Topography in Water and Crop Management Decisions.
Larry L. Hendrickson, John Deere Company
11:20 AM
Demonstrating That Variable Rate Water Makes a Difference: I.
Cole Fredrick, Valmont Irrigation; Jacob L LaRue, Valmont Irrigation
11:45 AM
12:00 PM