General Soil Biology & Biochemistry: II

Poster Session

SSSA Division: Soil Biology & Biochemistry

This is a general poster session for papers related to soil biology & biochemistry.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 2:30 PM-4:30 PM
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall
Janice Thies
Soil C Quality Dynamics After Conservation Reserve Program Land Is Converted to Cropland.
Francisco J. Calderon, USDA-ARS; Jennifer Moore-Kucera, Texas Tech University; Lisa M. Fultz, Texas Tech University; Veronica Acosta-Martinez, USDA-ARS
Soil Chemical Properties and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Cerrado Revegetated Area.
Márcia Helena Scabora, São Paulo State University; Rosilaine Carrenho, Maringá State University; Katia Luciene Maltoni, UNESP/Faculdade de Engenharia-Campus de Ilha Solteira; Ana Maria Rodrigues Cassiolato, São Paulo State University
Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Aggregates of a Mesocosm Soil Worked By Lumbricus Rubellus and Amynthas Agrestis.
Hüseyin Barış Tecimen, University of Istanbul; Josef Gorres, University of Vermont; Ryan Dustin Scott Melnichuk, University of Vermont
Comparison of Methods to Quantify Lignin in Plant Residues.
Fritzie Rivas, Iowa State University; Daniel C. Olk, USDA-ARS National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment; Michael L. Thompson, Iowa State University
Environmental Controls of Fine-Roots Decomposition Dynamics in a Northern Temperate Forest Soil.
Fernanda Santos, Queens College, City University of New York; Knute Nadelhoffer, University of Michigan; Jeffrey A. Bird, Queens College, City University of New York
Mulch Addition Increase Growth, Yield and Soil C and N in a Managed Full-Sun Coffee System in Hawaii.
Adel Youkhana, University of Hawaii at Manoa; Travis w. Idol, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Interpretation of Microbial Indicators As a Function of Crop Yield and Organic Carbon In Cerrado Soils.
Ieda Carvalho Mendes, Embrapa Cerrados; Djalma Martinhao Gomes Sousa, Embrapa Cerrados; Andre Alves de Castro Lopes, Universidade de Brasilia; Guilherme Montandon Chaer, Embrapa Agrobiologia; Fábio Bueno Reis Junior, Embrapa Cerrados; Wenceslau J Goedert, Universidade de Brasilia