By-Product Gypsum: Beneficial Uses in Agriculture: II

Poster Session

ASA Section: Environmental Quality

Gypsum produced as a by-product of coal combustion is a low cost resource that has many beneficial uses in agriculture. The goal of this session is to highlight research that documents these benefits, assesses potential environmental impacts, and identifies new uses for by-product gypsum in agriculture.


By-product Gypsum Uses in Agriculture Community
Adaptive Nutrient Management Community
Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 2:30 PM-4:30 PM
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall
Community Leader:
Ray B. Bryant
Ray B. Bryant
Arthur L. Allen
Changes in Soil Chemical Elements Associated With Application of FGD-Gypsum and Poultry Litter to a Cecil Soil.
Harry H. Schomberg, USDA-ARS; Dinku Endale, USDA-ARS; Dorcas H. Franklin, UGA; Rufus L. Chaney, USDA-ARS; Dwight Fisher, USDA ARS; Michael B. Jenkins, USDA-ARS
Using Gypsum to Reduce Tuber Rot and Increase Potato Yields On Sandy Loam Soils.
Mark S. Reiter, Virginia Tech Eastern Shore Agricultural Research and Extension Center; Steve Rideout, Virginia Tech Eastern Shore Agricultural Research and Extension Center