General Biometry and Statistical Computing

Poster Session

ASA Section: Biometry and Statistical Computing

Volunteered poster presentations of recent applications of statistical methods in agronomic and environmental sciences.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall
Jeffrey A. Coulter and Jose A. Hernandez
Jeffrey A. Coulter and Jose A. Hernandez
Population Dynamics and Interactions Between Eight Genera of Nematodes: An Empirical Analysis.
Holcer Chavez, Auburn University; C. Robert Taylor, Auburn University; Rodrigo Rodriguez-Kabana, Auburn University
A Regression Group Testing Model For a Two-Stage Survey Under An Informative Sampling For Detecting and Estimating The Presence Of Transgenic Corn.
Osval Antonio Montesinos Lopez, Graduate Student at University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Kent M. Eskridge, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Quantifying the Effects of Pyrethroid Use On Miticide Applications On California Walnuts.
Yu Zhan, University of California-Davis; Minghua Zhang, University of California-Davis