Soil Sensing for Crop Water Management: II

Poster Session

SSSA Division: Soil Physics

Evaluating and managing water use for crop production using soil sensing has the potential to improve crop water productivity under a wide range of environmental/edaphic conditions. However, current limitations in sensing technologies hamper adoption on a production scale. Sensor deployment is typically of limited spatial extent and may not be representative of field scale crop water use and spatial variability. Supplemental use of other ad hoc measurements may be required. Developments in wireless sensor technology are also required to provide real-time information for water managers. Lastly, sensor response may be influenced by soil salinity and other factors that may compromise the correct interpretation of water use. We seek contributions related to soil sensing technology and applications that can be used to improve crop productivity related to water and other limiting soil factors such as salinity. We envision two tracks for the symposium. One is related to sensing of soil properties that affect crop productivity (including but not limited to salinity, fertility, soil water availability), and particularly the spatial variation of these properties and the affected crop productivity. The other track is related to crop water productivity, which involves using soil water sensing in solutions of the soil water balance to estimate crop water use, which in turns allows calculation of the water use efficiency or crop water productivity.


Climatology & Modeling
Agroclimatology and Agronomic Modeling Community, Sensor-Based Water Management Community
Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 2:00 PM-4:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall
Robert C. Schwartz , Susan A. O'Shaughnessy , Steven R. Evett and Timothy R. Green
Steven R. Evett and Timothy R. Green
Root Water Uptake By Romaine Lettuce in a Histosol: Linking Tip Burn Damage to Water Stress.
Yann Périard, Université Laval; Jean Caron, Université Laval; Jonathan A Lafond, Université Laval; Sylvain Jutras, Université Laval
Can Orthogonal Projections of Visnir Spectra Yield Useful Information On Soil Water?.
Jason P. Ackerson, Texas A&M University; Cristine L. S. Morgan, Texas A&M University; Yufeng Ge, Texas A&M Univeristy; Alex McBratney, The University of Sydney
Improved Calibration For Estimating Soil Properties With a Multi-Functional Heat Pulse Probe.
Andrew Conrad Sherfy, University of Tennessee - Knoxville; Jaehoon Lee, University of Tennessee - Knoxville