Evapotranspiration Measurement and Modeling for Improved Water/Risk Management

Poster Session

ASA Section: Climatology & Modeling

Evapotranspiration (ET) is one of the largest components of the water balance in agricultural systems. Therefore, measurement or modeling of ET is an indispensible part of agricultural water management or managing risks associated with moisture excess or deficit. Posters that present applications of ET measurement or modeling as part of water management or risk management schemes are welcome. Water/risk management applications of ET measurement or modeling may include water rights administration, interstate compact negotiation/compliance, irrigation scheduling, estimation of water use by invasive species, protection of endangered species, monitoring drought and food security, hydrologic modeling, and crop modeling, among others. This session will include a graduate student poster competition.


Evapotranspiration Measurement and Modeling Community
Tuesday, November 5, 2013: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall
Community Leader:
Allan A. Andales
Allan A. Andales and George Paul
A Framework for Developing Thermal Remote Sensing Based Time Series Evapotranspiration Maps for Kansas. (Cancelled)
V. Vinifera Water Dynamics in the Southeast: Observations and Modeling.
Adam Howard, North Carolina State University; Gill Giese, Shelton Vineyards; Joshua L. Heitman, North Carolina State University; John L. Havlin, North Carolina State University
Parameterization Of The CERES Grain Sorghum Model For Simulating Sweet Sorghum Growth and Dry Matter Yield.
Jose Roberto Lopez, University of Florida; John E. Erickson, University of Florida; Maninderpal Singh, University of Florida; Senthold Asseng, University of Florida
Saltmed Model in Sustainable Irrigation Management in Saudi Arabia.
Arafat A. alkhasha, king Saud University; Anwar aly, king Saud University; andulrasoul mosa alomran, king saud university
A Functional Model for Upward Flow From a Water Table and Its Redistribution.
Joe T. Ritchie, Michigan State University; Bruno Basso, Michigan State University; Wayne S. Meyer, University of Adelaide