Symposium--Active Optical Sensors For Adaptive Nitrogen Management

Oral Session

ASA Section: Agronomic Production Systems

The theme of this symposium will be integration of active optical sensors into an adaptive management program to create site-specific nitrogen recommendations. The goal of the symposium is to provide the latest information on the benefits and pitfalls of sensor-based nitrogen management. The symposium will provide a mix of presentations about the technical underpinnings of sensor-based and adaptive management approaches to nitrogen management. Efforts to achieve production goals, water quality benefits, and improved global nutrient use efficiency will be shown. Perspectives from the U.S., Europe, and Mexico will be provided.


Adaptive Nutrient Management Community
Sensor-Based Nutrient Management Community
Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 8:15 AM-3:25 PM
Marriott Tampa Waterside, Grand Ballroom A and B
Community Leader:
Thomas F. Morris
Joshua M. McGrath and Thomas F. Morris
8:15 AM
Introductory Remarks
8:20 AM
Adaptive Nutrient Management: A Process for Refining Nitrogen Management.
Thomas F. Morris, University of Connecticut; Walter Smith, University of Connecticut; Haiying Tao, University of Connecticut; Richard A. Meinert, University of Connecticut; Dawn Pettinelli, University of Connecticut
9:10 AM
Converting Light Reflectance to Nitrogen Requirement: Different Approaches.
James S. Schepers, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
9:35 AM
On-Farm Evaluation Tools and Approaches to Quantify Risks in Nitrogen Management.
Peter M. Kyveryga, Iowa Soybean Association; Tracy M. Blackmer, Iowa Soybean Association
10:00 AM
10:15 AM
Utilizing Soil Moisture Data With Optical Sensors to Determine Nitrogen Recommendations in Winter Wheat.
Jacob T. Bushong, Oklahoma State University; Jeremiah L. Mullock, Oklahoma State University; Eric C. Miller, Oklahoma State University; Daryl Brian Arnall, Oklahoma State University; William R. Raun, Oklahoma State University
10:40 AM
Can Models and Weather Databases Enhance the Use of Sensor-Based Nitrogen Management?.
Harold van Es, Cornell University; Jeff J. Melkonian, Cornell University; Bianca Moebius-Clune, Cornell University
11:05 AM
Engineering Considerations in Sensor-Based Nutrient Management.
Kenneth A Sudduth, USDA-ARS Cropping Systems & Water Quality Research Unit; Scott T Drummond, USDA-ARS Cropping Systems & Water Quality Research Unit
11:30 AM
Sensor-Based Nitrogen Management: Adaption to Irrigated Systems.
Richard B. Ferguson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
11:55 AM
Lunch Break
1:15 PM
Incorporating Adaptive Approaches Such As Sensor-Based Management in the Chesapeake Bay TMDL Process.
Joshua M. McGrath, University of Maryland; Wade E. Thomason, Virginia Tech; Mark S. Reiter, Virginia Tech Eastern Shore Agricultural Research and Extension Center
1:40 PM
Integrating Sensor-Based Management and Adaptive Management Into Extension Programming.
Daryl Brian Arnall, Oklahoma State University; Randy Taylor, Oklahoma State University; William R. Raun, Oklahoma State University
2:05 PM
Precision Technologies to Determine Optimum Nitrogen Management in Europe.
Roger Sylvester-Bradley, ADAS UK; Daniel Kindred, ADAS UK
2:30 PM
Global Potential for Adaptively Managing Nitrogen Using Active Sensors.
Steve Phillips, International Plant Nutrition Institute
2:55 PM
Use of the Sensor-Based Approach in Mexico - Potential to Adapt Nitrogen Recommendations.
J Ortiz-Monasterio, CIMMYT; William R. Raun, Oklahoma State University
3:20 PM
Concluding Remarks
3:25 PM