Symposium--Conservation Agriculture and Sustainable Intensification for Improving Resilience of Smallholder Farming Systems in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean

Oral Session

Special Sessions

Conservation agriculture and sustainable intensification have the potential to improve resilience of agro-ecosystems in regions prone to drought, flooding, typhoons and other climate-induced constraints for crop production. Designing and implementing resilient farming systems would be particularly beneficial for resource-poor farmers in the developing world. The concept of resilience, however, remains elusive for many, owing to the multiplicity of meanings for the term, and the myriad approaches to characterize and measure resilience. In this symposium, presenters will provide scientific and development-oriented insights focusing on the budding role of conservation agriculture and sustainable intensification on increasing resilience of smallholder farming systems in rain-fed regions. The initial presentations will address the multiple definitions of resilience within different contexts and discuss the increasing interest on resilience in international agricultural development both from biophysical and socio-economic perspectives. Speakers will then present key findings from ongoing projects that involve collaboration between U.S. universities and host-country partners in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Research results will cover farming systems, soil quality, integrated soil fertility management, intercropping, crop rotations, agroforestry, risk assessment as well as gender and technological network factors that may contribute to increase resilience of agro-ecosystems.


Agronomic Production Systems, Environmental Quality, Global Agronomy, Land Management & Conservation, Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition, Soil & Water Management & Conservation
Adaptive Nutrient Management Community, Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community
Monday, November 4, 2013: 8:00 AM-12:15 PM
Tampa Convention Center, Room 5 and 6
Adrian Ares
8:00 AM
Introductory Remarks
8:35 AM
Building Resilience in Cropping Systems of the Central Plateau of Haiti.
Thomas L. Thompson, Virginia Tech; Nathan Kennedy, Virginia Tech; Greg Amacher, Virginia Tech; Wade E. Thomason, Virginia Tech; Steven C. Hodges, Virginia Tech
9:35 AM
Conservation Agriculture in the Andean Highlands: Evidence of Promise From Two Countries.
Jeffrey Alwang, Virginia Tech; Victor Hugo Barrera, INIAP; Pablo Mamani, PROINPA
10:05 AM
10:15 AM
Using Conservation Agriculture to Intensify and Stabilize Agricultural Production in Southern Africa.
Neal Samuel Eash, University of Tennessee - Knoxville; Forbes R. Walker, University of Tennessee - Knoxville; Dayton Lambert, University of Tennessee; Michael Wilcox, University of Tennessee; Makoala Marake, National University of Lesotho; Christian Thierfelder, CIMMYT
11:15 AM
Sustainable Intensification and Climate Resilient Dryland Cropping Systems For Sub-Saharan Africa: Case Study Of Ghana.
P.V. Vara Prasad, Kansas State University; Jesse B. Naab, Savanna Agricultural Research Institute; Roger A. L. Kanton, Savanna Agricultural Research Institute
11:45 AM
Developing Conservation Agriculture With Trees for Integrated Sloping Land Management in the Philippines.
Agustin R. Mercado Jr., World Agroforestry Centre; Manuel R. Reyes, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
12:15 PM
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