Nutrient Loss As Affected By Management: Posters

Poster Session

SSSA Division: Soils & Environmental Quality

transferred from general posters


Soils & Environmental Quality
Wednesday, November 6, 2013: 2:30 PM-4:30 PM
Tampa Convention Center, East Hall
Sharon K. Papiernik
Soil Moisture Content Controls the Denitrification Loss of Urea-N From Silty Clay Soils.
Rakesh Awale, North Dakota State University; Amitava Chatterjee, North Dakota State University
Using An Exchange Frequency Index to Identify Sites At Risk for Over-Winter Leaching.
Patrick J Forrestal, Teagasc, Johnstown Castle; John J. Meisinger, USDA-ARS; Robert J. Kratochvil, University of Maryland
Tillage, Crop Rotation, Nitrogen Fertilizer and Cover Crop Impacts On Greenhouse Gas Fluxes From An Ohio Soil.
Liming Chen, The Ohio State University/OARDC; David Kost, The Ohio State University/OARDC; Xiaogang Tong, The Ohio State University/OARDC; Clayton Dygert, The Ohio State University/OARDC; Warren A. Dick, The Ohio State University/OARDC
Nitrous Oxide Emissions From Winter Wheat.
Tracy M Wilson, Oklahoma State University; Jason G. Warren, Oklahoma State University; William R. Raun, Oklahoma State University
The Contributions of Nitrogen and Irrigation Management in Reducing the Risk of N Leaching in Florida Potato Production.
Amanda Desormeaux, University of Florida; George Hochmuth, University of Florida
Apex Model Simulation of Runoff and Non-Point Source Pollutants From Watersheds Managed With No-Till Management.
Sagar Gautam, South Dakota State University; Sandeep Kumar, South Dakota State University; Rattan Lal, The Ohio State University; James Bonta, USDA – Agricultural Research Service; Jonathan Witter, The Ohio State University; Yina Xie, The Ohio State University; Richard Moore, The Ohio State University; Eric Gentil Mbonimpa, South Dakota State University; Shiguo Jiang, The Ohio State University
Use of the 15N Gas Flux Method to Calculate the Emission Factor for N2O in a Brazilian Soil Cultivated With Sugarcane.
Joao Jose de Miranda Milagres, CENA, University of Sao Paulo; Carlos Roberto Sant'Ana Filho, CENA, University of Sao Paulo; Evandro Luiz Schoninger Sr., University of Sao Paulo; Andre Cesar Vitti, Secretaria de Agricultura e Abastecimento do Estado de Sao Paulo; Paulo C. Ocheuze Trivelin Sr., CENA, University of Sao Paulo; Jose Albertino Bendassolli Sr., CENA, University of Sao Paulo
Assessing The Efficacy Of Nitrification and Urease Inhibitors On Nitrous Oxide and Ammonia Emissions In Forage Seed Production In The Saskatchewan Parkland Region.
Nils Yannikos, University of Saskatchewan; Fran L. Walley, University of Saskatchewan; Richard Farrell, University of Saskatchewan
Testing the Effectiveness of Targeted Conservation With a Paired Watershed Approach.
Laura W. Good, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Rebecca Carvin, US Geological Survey; Jasmeet Lamba, University of Wisconsin-Madison; John Panuska, University of Wisconsin Madison; K.G. Karthikeyan, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Anita M. Thompson, University of Wisconsin-Madison; Faith Fitzpatrick, US Geological Survey
Effects Of Tile Drain Depth and Spacing On Phosphorous Losses Under Corn and Soybean Rotation.
Chin Tan, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Tiequan Zhang, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Manure Application Methods in Pastures to Reduce Nitrogen Loss By Ammonia Volatilization and Increase Forage Quality and Yield in the Pre-Amazon Region of Brazil.
Francirose Shigaki, Federal University of Maranhao; Bruno Alves, EMBRAPA-AGROBIOLOGY; Peter J. A. Kleinman, USDA-ARS; Marcos Gervasio Pereira, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro; Curtis J. Dell, USDA-ARS Pasture Systems & Watershed Mgmt Research Unit
Leaching Losses of Phosphorus Following Fertilizer Applications As Affected By Tillage Practices and Application Methods.
Yutao Wang, University of Guelph; Ivan P. O'Halloran, University of Guelph; Merrin Macrae, University of Waterloo; Vito Lam, University of Waterloo