Division: ASA Section: Environmental Quality

Title: Innovations in Sustainable Resource Use for Tomorrow: The Role of Aquaculture and Animal Agriculture

Community Leaders: Daniel N. Miller and Robert S. Dungan
Organizers: Senorpe Asem-Hiablie and Clinton D. Church
Lead Community Sponsor: Animal Agriculture and the Environment Community
Community Cosponsor: Animal Agriculture and the Environment Community
Format: Oral Topical Session
Keywords: animal productionaquaculturewater reuse

Session Description: Along with the growing prominence of aquaculture and animal production systems to meet increasing protein demands worldwide comes the challenge of sustainability. The purpose of this session is to provide a platform for presenting and discussing research into innovative strategies for efficient resource use and minimalizing environmental impacts in aquaculture and animal production systems. Submissions addressing strategies in the areas of system integration and resource reuse, water quality management, risk management in disease prevention and prudent antibiotic and drug use, and feed production are welcome.

Reviewer's Comments: We have a growing interest by aquaculture researchers to present environmental research. This session will serve to group those talks along with other animal agriculture research.