Division: SSSA Division: Soils & Environmental Quality

Title: Nitrate Leaching: What Have We Learned and Where Do We Go from Here?

Organizer: Clain A. Jones
Presider: Clain A. Jones
Lead Community Sponsor:
Cosponsor: Soils & Environmental Quality, Soil Fertility & Plant Nutrition
Community Cosponsor: Nutrients and Environmental Quality Community
Format: Oral Topical Session
Keywords: GroundwaterLeachingManagementNitrate

Session Description: Nitrate leaching into groundwater is becoming a larger problem across the globe, and sound scientific studies are needed to address this major problem. This topical session will focus on examining nitrate leaching results, research methods, and successful approaches used in minimizing leaching.  Abstracts that integrate two or more of these topics are especially encouraged.

Reviewer's Comments: Similar topical session was proposed by Nut and Env Qual Community