Division: ASA Section: Environmental Quality

Title: Agriculture and Land Management Impacts on Soil Carbon Processes: I

Community Leader: Jane M-F Johnson
Presiders: Upendra M. Sainju and Umakant Mishra
Lead Community Sponsor: Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community
Cosponsor: Environmental Quality
Community Cosponsor: Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community
Format: Oral Topical Session
Keywords: carbon dioxide fluxclimate change mitigationsoil carbon sequestrationsoil processes

Session Description: This session is intended to encompass empirical soil carbon and/or CO2 emission studies, long-term trial approaches, process-based modeling, or life cycle analyses approaches to assessing management impacts on soil processes and assess potential trade-offs. Soil carbon especially organic carbon is intimately related to physical, chemical and biological soil properties. Implementing management practices to increase the soil C pool size will improve soil quality, augment food security, offset anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and enhance the resilience of agriculture enabling its capacity for adaption to future climate.

Reviewer's Comments: