Division: ASA Section: Environmental Quality

Title: Agriculture and Land Management Impacts on Soil Carbon Processes: II (includes student competition)

Community Leader: Jane M-F Johnson
Lead Community Sponsor: Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community
Community Cosponsor: Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community
Format: Poster Topical Session
Keywords: carbon dioxide fluxclimate change mitigationsoil carbon sequestrationsoil processes

Session Description: This session is intended to encompass empirical soil carbon and/or CO2 emission studies, long-term trial approaches, process-based modeling, or life cycle analyses approaches to assessing management impacts on soil processes and assess potential trade-offs. Soil carbon especially organic carbon is intimately related to physical, chemical and biological soil properties. Implementing management practices to increase the soil C pool size will improve soil quality, augment food security, offset anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions and enhance the resilience of agriculture enabling its capacity for adaption to future climate. Graduate student submissions are eligible to compete in the communities poster competition for cash awards.

Reviewer's Comments: