Division: ASA Section: Environmental Quality

Title: Improving Accuracy and Precision of Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emission Measurements and Quantification: II (includes student competition)

Community Leader: Jane M-F Johnson
Lead Community Sponsor: Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community
Community Cosponsor: Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community
Format: Poster Topical Session
Keywords: chamber techniquesflux calculations nitrous oxide emissionsoil carbon measurement

Session Description: Acquiring accurate and precise measurements of soil carbon and greenhouse gas emission are fraught with temporal, spatial, technological and computational challenges.  Methodological strategies, analytical improvement and statistical approaches are needed to improve both the accuracy and precision.  Practical aspects to improve field sampling logistics, sampling schemes, chamber design, best strategies for addressing messy data and missing points, or improving flux calculations. This session is intended to provide forum for a wide range of approaches that will improve the accuracy and precision soil carbon and greenhouse gas measurement and quantification.  This session will compliment a workshop planned on improving methods for measuring emissions.  Graduate studemts presents are eligible to compete the Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emission Community graduate student poster competition for cash awards.

Reviewer's Comments: