Division: ASA Section: Environmental Quality

Title: Environmental/Agronomic Uses of Biochars

Community Leader: Jeffrey M. Novak
Lead Community Sponsor: Biochar: Agronomic and Environmental Uses Community
Cosponsor: Global Agronomy, Soil Chemistry, Soil Chemistry
Community Cosponsor: Biochar: Agronomic and Environmental Uses Community, Bioenergy Systems Community, Nutrients and Environmental Quality Community
Format: Poster Topical Session
Keywords: agronomybiocharenvironmentalmulti-functionality

Session Description: Biochar has a multifunctional role in both environmental and agronomic sectors.  Due to its all purpose services, biochar can be used not only to improve soil health, but can also be used in the environmental sciences.  This includes clean up of waste streams and mine spoils.  This session will provide an opportunity for the varied roles of biochar to be discussed.

Reviewer's Comments: