Division: ASA Section: Environmental Quality

Title: Symposium--Biochar: What Is the Future for Industrial Production and World Usage?

Community Leader: Jeffrey M. Novak
Lead Community Sponsor: Biochar: Agronomic and Environmental Uses Community
Cosponsor: Environmental Quality, Soil Chemistry
Community Cosponsor: Biochar: Agronomic and Environmental Uses Community, Bioenergy Systems Community, Global Climate Change Community
Format: Oral Symposium
Keywords: biochar manufacturingeconomicsenvironmental clean upsoil amendment

Session Description: This symposium will bring together biochar experts to discuss the future outlook of biochar production, its economic situation, and its potential usage at the world scale.  Additionally, world leading scientists will be invited to sort out the issues of how biochar does not always improve crop yields.  Additional focus points for this symposium are to determine if there will be large-scale biochar production at affordable prices for its use as a soil amendment or in environmental clean up.

Reviewer's Comments: Please keep a space open for these invited speakers. I am awaiting their abstract for uploading.