Division: ASA Section: Environmental Quality

Title: Controlling Bugs & Drugs

Community Leaders: Daniel N. Miller and Robert S. Dungan
Organizer: Ed Topp
Presider: Ed Topp
Lead Community Sponsor: Animal Agriculture and the Environment Community
Cosponsor: Soil Biology & Biochemistry
Community Cosponsor: Animal Agriculture and the Environment Community
Format: Oral Topical Session
Keywords: antibioticmanurepathogen

Session Description: Manure-borne pharmaceuticals, pathogenic microorganisms and antibiotic-resistant bacteria are an ongoing challenge in animal production.  The microbial and chemical composition of manure, dynamics of contaminants during manure storage or treatment, and subsequent fate in the agricultural environment depend upon numerous production, environmental and soil management factors.  This session will consider recent and future developments in animal production and manure treatment practices that will help mitigate the environmental and human health risk from the ‘Bugs & Drugs’ carried in manure.

Reviewer's Comments: