Division: ASA Section: Environmental Quality

Title: Managing Denitrification in Agronomic Systems - Innovations and Challenges: I

Community Leader: Thomas B. Moorman
Organizer: Thomas B. Moorman
Presider: Thomas B. Moorman
Lead Community Sponsor: Managing Denitrification in Agronomic Systems Community
Community Cosponsor: Managing Denitrification in Agronomic Systems Community
Format: Oral Topical Session
Keywords: denitrification bioreactorsnitrate riparian biofilterswetlands

Session Description: Various denitrification systems allow the removal of excess nitrate from agricultural drainage water.  This session covers the biological, hydrologic and management aspects of natural and engineered systems for nitrate removal, including denitrification bioreactors, riparian biofilters, and wetlands.

Reviewer's Comments: