Division: ASA Section: Climatology & Modeling

Title: Symposium--Innovative Crop and Water Management Technologies to Enhance Crop Water Productivity

Community Leader: Robert M. Aiken
Organizers: Robert M. Aiken , Jessica A Torrion and John J. Read
Presider: Robert M. Aiken
Lead Community Sponsor: Soil-Plant-Water Relations Community
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Oral Symposium
Keywords: CropManagementProductivityWater

Session Description: Maintaining and enhancing crop productivity, with diminished water supplies, challenges management of rain-fed and irrigated cropping systems. This session will address measures of crop productivity, in response to water use, and identify biophysical constraints. Innovations in technology and management which enhance crop productivity will be featured. Participants will gain insight into opportunities for improving crop productivity, in relation to water use.

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