Division: Tours

Title: Urban Soils , Agriculture and Brownfields--Los Angeles Basin

Organizers: Randy Riddle , Beverly Harben and Kit Paris
Lead Community Sponsor:
Cosponsor: Soil Consulting Scientists, Pedology, Soil & Water Management & Conservation, Forest, Range & Wildland Soils, Urban and Anthropogenic Soils
Community Cosponsor: Extension Education Community, Field Diagnosis for Smallholder Agriculture Community, Gaining Access to Agronomic Inputs Community, Global Climate Change Community, Organic Management Systems Community, Advancing Agronomy via Public-Private Collaboration Community

Session Description: Over the last 25 years, there has been growing demand for soil information to strengthen green economy initiatives and community climate change adaptation strategies. As part of efforts to revitalize these areas, communities are looking at green reuses of vacant properties, including parks, green infrastructure, and urban agriculture. Urban soil surveys provide an active venue for cities and regional metropolitan areas to focus on green infrastructure planning with a science base. The Soil Survey of Los Angeles County, Southeast Part, has been conducted in the midst of dense urbanization.  One of the objectives of the Soil Survey in Los Angeles was to define this anthropogenic landscape in terms of its natural properties and behavior for use in storm water and green infrastructure planning. This bus tour of LA Basin will cover viewscapes and discussions of the urban/ anthropogenic soil landscape, soil mapping in urban areas, and the adaptive uses and management from urban community gardening in South Los Angeles to brownfield discussions and site review near Long Beach.  We will visit the Griffith Park Observatory at the base of the Santa Monica Mountains, La Brea Tar Pits in downtown Los Angeles, South Los Angeles community gardens and Long Beach Harbor.

Reviewer's Comments: