Division: Special Sessions

Title: Science Policy Graduate Student Luncheon

Organizer: Karl E. Anderson
Lead Community Sponsor:
Cosponsor: Special Sessions
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Oral

Session Description: Policy-makers in Washington want to hear from their constituents directly, so the ASA, CSSA and SSSA Science Policy Office want to create greater knowledge and interest in science policy with graduate student members. Graduate students are at a unique position in their career path where the funding and policy decisions made today not only affect your current research goals, but also your future the career options. During the luncheon, we will discuss the role science plays in the larger government discussion, describe how the action (or inaction) on Congress affects you and why it is critical for graduate students to play a greater role in advocacy.
The session will include a panel of speakers, who will give short presentations on their experiences with science advocacy and engage. Following the panel, the Science Policy Office staff and/or Congressional Visits Day alumni will lead small group discussions at each table, so attendees can ask questions and gain insight into science policy and the ways to be an effective advocate for science and research. 

Registration is required at www.acsmeetings.org/science-policy-luncheon

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