Division: Tours

Title: Desert Pedology, Land Use and Wild Lands—Las Vegas to Long Beach (Mohave Nature Preserve, CA)

Organizers: Carrie-Ann Houdeshell , Stephen Roecker , Daniel Hirmas , Robert C. Graham , Brenda J. Buck , Maxine J. Levin and Leon Lato
Lead Community Sponsor:
Cosponsor: Pedology, Soil & Water Management & Conservation, Forest, Range & Wildland Soils
Community Cosponsor: Global Climate Change Community, Soil-Plant-Water Relations Community

Session Description: From the desert oasis of Las Vegas, NV to the outskirts of Los Angeles Basin, CA is a wide range of desert landscape, remote wilderness, unique vegetation and soil formation.  Between  two major metropolitan areas, this area represents isolation and preservation and at the same time promises for the future with open space for solar energy production, food and fiber production, watershed  renovation and alternative uses for new minerals for green infrastructure and modern technology.   Aside from recreation and wildlife habitats, these ancient and fragile landscapes are being considered for many alternative uses. Considering the potential for further land degradation, we will explore this region with soils as the primary consideration for land, vegetation, and wildlife and watershed preservation.   The tour starts in Las Vegas and travels through Mohave Nature Preserve.   We will visit the largest solar energy plant in North America. We will stay overnight at the Desert Studies Center at XXYZZ, California, a field station run by the California State Universities Consortium. As brochures describe the Mohave Nature Preserve: Singing sand dunes, volcanic cinder cones, Joshua tree forests, and carpets of wildflowers are all found at this 1.6 million acre park. The tour ends in Long Beach, CA.

Reviewer's Comments: