Phosphorus Assessment in James River Sediments.

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See more from this Session: Professional Oral – Soils
Tuesday, February 4, 2014: 9:00 AM
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Asmare Atalay, Agricultural Research Station, Virginia State University, Petersburg, VA
Sediments are heterogeneous mixtures of assorted soil separates and organic matter that serve as repositories of many pollutants. This study investigated phosphorus (P) stability in river sediments as controlled by P speciation and environmental conditions, such as temperature (T), dissolved oxygen (DO), redox conditions (Eh), and pH. It attempted to evaluate the experimental conditions under which sediment-bound P could potentially become available in river waters. Sediment cores samples were collected from James River, in Virginia, near a former Dairy farm and analyzed for T, pH, Eh, carbon (C) and pertinent metal ions. Results indicated that high P concentration correlated well with Fe and had non-uniform correlations with clay, Al and Ca, which changed with depth of cores. At low pH, P concentration was higher in anaerobic than aerobic sediments and aluminum precipitation was highest at low pH, which indicated Al phosphate stability in reduced (anaerobic) conditions. Above pH 7, in aerobic environments, the Minteqa2 speciation model predicted a high stability for Al-OH species.  Elemental P distribution assessment using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) inferred that P at pH 4 could be bound more to C and Al, than to Fe and Mn.
See more from this Division: Submissions
See more from this Session: Professional Oral – Soils