42-6 Delivery and Student Perceptions of Soil Science Refresher Course.

See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Soil Education and Outreach
See more from this Session: Soil Education and Outreach: I

Monday, November 16, 2015: 9:20 AM
Minneapolis Convention Center, M100 C

Sergio Manacpo Abit Jr., Plant and Soil Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK
Oklahoma relies greatly on extension educators in disseminating scientific and practical information to various stakeholders. Because countless environmental and crop production-related management decisions involve the soil, extension educators need to have satisfactory working understanding of soil properties and processes.  A soil science refresher was developed and delivered as an in-service professional development course for extension educators. It aimed to re-emphasize or reacquaint participants with previously-acquired soil science concepts and skills and update them with key advances. The course was built upon carefully-chosen specific objectives; each of which is in conjunction to a soil science concept or practical skill important to agriculturists and/or environmental professionals. Prior to the start of the course, participants were made to gauge their level of understanding or competence on 17 particular concepts or skills. The morning session involved interactive lectures on fundamental principles. The afternoon session involve hands-on laboratory activities or demonstrations and a tour at the soil analysis laboratory. After the course, the participants re-assessed their understanding or competence on the same concepts or skills that they assessed prior to the course. Pre-course assessment indicated that on average, participants can vaguely recall key concepts and skills. They improved to having satisfactory understanding/competence after the course. Most evaluations indicate that the hands-on activities were a vital complement to the lecture.

See more from this Division: SSSA Division: Soil Education and Outreach
See more from this Session: Soil Education and Outreach: I