Long-Term C and N Cycling in Response to Changes in Harvest Intensity and N Fertilization.
See more from this Division: ASA Section: Environmental Quality
See more from this Session: Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interactions and Soil Carbon Dynamics in Long-Term Research Experiments
Wednesday, November 18, 2015: 1:30 PM
Minneapolis Convention Center, M100 C
Benjamin Ellert1, Henry Janzen2, Newton Lupwayi3, Brian G. McConkey4 and Elwin Smith3, (1)Lethbridge Research Centre, Lethbridge, AB, CANADA
(2)P.O. Box 3000, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, AB, CANADA
(3)Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge, AB, Canada
(4)Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Swift Current, SK, CANADA
dryland crop residue (DCR) study at Lethbridge was devised to investigate
carbon and nitrogen cycling under rain-fed spring wheat as influenced by
changes in above-ground residues annually returned to the soil. Since adoption of combine harvesters in the
1940's, annual crop production in western Canada has been based on the harvest
and export of cereal grains and oilseeds.
The stems, leaves and chaff (viz. ‘crop residues') typically were
returned to the land where they were grown and the seeds were harvested and
exported from the region. Since the
1990's, however, pressures to expand the harvest to include some portion of the
non-seed components have increased with demands for livestock bedding and feed,
and more recently, biofuels and other bio-products. Consequently, this experiment was initiated
in 1999 to assess the consequences of crop residue removal for soil quality,
and to evaluate the long-term retention of plant carbon and nitrogen as soil
organic matter. Spring wheat was grown
continuously in a study with three contrasting residue inputs (removed,
returned or supplemented), two fertilizer N levels (0 or 45 kg N ha-1
yr-1), and six replications.
Without fertilizer, grain yields were roughly 60% of those receiving
fertilizer N, indicating that soil N was insufficient. Above-ground residues yields also increased with
N fertilization, but residue manipulation treatments had an even greater
influence on the amounts returned to the soil.
Changes in soil C and N stocks were quantified after the treatments had
been in place for ten years. Soil C and
N increased in response to increased inputs of above-ground crop residues, but
the vast majority of the residue C presumably was decomposed and emitted back
to the atmosphere as CO2.
This study is providing valuable data for testing assumptions in models
of C and N cycling, and to evaluate the potential for harvesting greater
portions of above-ground plant production.
See more from this Division: ASA Section: Environmental Quality
See more from this Session: Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Interactions and Soil Carbon Dynamics in Long-Term Research Experiments