Analysis of Grazing Data II - Regression Techniques
WorkshopsGrazing studies pose some unique problem not found in small-plot or laboratory experiments. Often the animal is the observational unit but the experimental unit is a a larger scale. Often these trials are of a repeated nature (multiple observations over time on the same experimental unit) with a quantitative independent variable such as stocking rate. This hands-on workshop is a continuation of the 2014 workshop in Long Beach. It is intended for all levels of data analysis proficiency. We will work through examples of linear, intrinsically linear, and non-linear problems using SAS procedures. We will deal with animal as well as plant response variables. because this is a hands-on workshop, participants are expected to come prepared, i.e. a functional laptop with working copies of SAS and EXCEL installed, and all workshop material downloaded and unpacked.
Biometry and Statistical Computing
C06 Forage and Grazinglands
C05 Turfgrass Science
Statistical Education/Training for Researchers Community
Wednesday, November 18, 2015: 1:00 PM-5:00 PM
Hilton Minneapolis, Marquette Ballroom I-II
Edzard van Santen