148 Soil Survey Present and Future: II
Poster Session
SSSA Division: PedologyThe symposium will highlight the emerging needs that soil survey should address and how information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) is currently used and how it can be repackaged for multiple uses that support conservation and wise use of soils by the public. This is also an opportunity to engage a broader community in the discussion of soil survey products and their impact on food systems, fuel and fiber production, ecosystem function, and climate change during the IYS. Presenters will come from different disciplines that use soil survey products.
Monday, November 16, 2015: 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
Minneapolis Convention Center, Exhibit Hall BC
Candiss O. Williams
Douglas A. Wysocki
Zamir Libohova
Philip J. Schoeneberger
Eric C. Brevik
Candiss O. Williams
Poster #1135
Poster #1136
Poster #1137
Poster #1139
Poster #1201
Poster #1202