Division: SSSA Division: Soil Physics and Hydrology

Title: Symposium--Grand Challenges in Modeling Soil Processes: I

Organizers: Markus Flury , Andrea Schnepf , Jiri Simunek and Dani Or
Presiders: Andrea Schnepf , Jiri Simunek and Dani Or
Lead Community Sponsor:
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Oral Symposium
Keywords: climate, integration, modeling and soil processes

Session Description: Soil is a critical life-supporting compartment of the biosphere. Soil models have long played an important role in quantifying and predicting soil processes and ecosystem services. However, a new generation of soil models based on a systems approach comprising physical, chemical and biological processes is needed to address knowledge gaps. This symposium  deals with challenges and perspectives in modeling soil processes. We welcome contributions that address major scientific gaps in describing soil processes, inter-compare soil models, evaluate model uncertainty, discuss data requirements, and link soil with other process models such as climate, land surface, ecological, crop and contaminant models.