Division: ASA Section: Environmental Quality

Title: Management Practices and Land-Use Impact on Global Warming Potential and Greenhouse Gas Intensity

Organizer: Hero T. Gollany
Presider: Upendra M. Sainju
Lead Community Sponsor: Soil Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Community
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Oral Topical Session
Keywords: Global warming potential, Greenhouse gas emissions, Land-use and Management practices

Session Description: Information on the effects of management practices on soil greenhouse gas emissions is available, but little is known about their impact on net global warming potential or greenhouse gas intensity that accounts for all sources and sinks of greenhouse gas emissions per unit area or crop yield. This symposium will address net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity under croplands, grasslands, and forest lands due to management and land use practices and identify practices that reduce global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity.

Approved for 2.5 NM CEUs.