Division: SSSA Division: Soil Biology & Biochemistry

Title: Nitrification: New Players and Environmental Drivers: I

Organizer: Mussie Y. Habteselassie
Presider: Mussie Y. Habteselassie
Lead Community Sponsor:
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Oral Topical Session
Keywords: ammonia oxidizing archaea, ammonia oxidizing bacteria, nitrification inhibition and nitrogen availability and form

Session Description: The role of ammonia oxidizing bacteria in mediating the first and rate limiting step of nitrification has been known for many decades while the role of ammonia oxidizing archaea is a recent discovery. In this session the impact of various environmental factors on functional and niche differentiations of the two groups of organisms will be presented and discussed.

Approved for 2.5 SW CEUs.