Division: SSSA Division: Soil Education and Outreach

Title: Symposium--Embedding Soils in STEM Education

Organizers: Laura Wendling and Ryosuke Fujinuma
Presider: Laura A. Wendling
Lead Community Sponsor:
Cosponsor: Education & Extension
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Oral Symposium
Keywords: K-12 education, higher education, science education and soil science education

Session Description: Soils and soil science provide excellent and underappreciated opportunities to demonstrate scientific principles and show real-world practical applications for math, engineering and basic sciences such as chemistry, physics and biology.  Soils are also intrinsic to such sister applied sciences as geology, ecology and geography. This symposium aims to showcase successfully implemented paths to getting soils content into science and math classrooms at all education levels, from K-12 and University.