Division: C03 Crop Ecology, Management & Quality

Title: Symposium--Cropping System Adaptations for Resilience to Climate Change

Organizers: Tony J. Vyn and Philip J. Bauer
Presider: Tony J. Vyn
Lead Community Sponsor:
Community Cosponsor:
Format: Oral Symposium
Keywords: Climate change, Crop adaptation, Crop management and Crop systems resiliency

Session Description: Genetic changes are one component of a much broader crop management strategy to cope with climate change. Some crop management system improvements have already achieved resiliency gains to climate change in key grain producing regions, while others show promise. For example, selecting appropriate crop genetics in concert with modifying planting dates and plant spacing can enhance resiliency to drought and heat stresses. More nimble management planning (e.g., a “response farming” approach that takes into account varying in-season weather patterns) can result in greater crop productivity with higher nutrient and water use efficiency. This symposium intends to explore crop genotype and management combinations that reflect superior systems approaches to gain further resiliency to climate change in national and international grain crop programs.

Approved for 3.0 CM CEUs.