Division: ASA Section: Environmental Quality

Title: Water Quality Protection with Cover Crops

Organizers: John J. Sloan and Kipling S. Balkcom
Lead Community Sponsor: Nutrients and Environmental Quality Community
Community Cosponsor: Nutrients and Environmental Quality Community, Cover Crop Management Community
Format: Oral Topical Session
Keywords: cover crops, nitrate, tile drainage and water quality

Session Description: Cover crops are recommended as an option for controlling nitrate and phosphorus losses from agricultural lands through a variety of mechanisms including nutrient capture, protection of the soil surface from erosion, greater infiltration, reduced surface runoff, and lower fertilizer rates. This session will address the effectiveness of cover crops for protecting water quality and their potential to help states achieve nutrient load reduction goals. Use of cover crops in fields with tile drainage is of special interest.

Approved for 1.0 SW CEUs.